
TO OUT CANADIAN SISTERS: As we get more subscribers in Canada we have an increasing problem. Many of you send us either Canadian money or checks. Both of these are discounted in American banks at about 90-92 cents to the dollar depending on the daily exchange rate. As a result we do not get the payment we should. With postage in- cluded in subscription rates and its increase due shortly we would like to ask you Canadian girls (and those in other countries too for that matter) that if you cant send American money, obtain money orders payable in dollars at your bank. This will help considerably. II. CORRESPONDENCE: It is simply not fair to place an ad in the magazine asking for correspondence and then not be courteous enough to acknowledge receipt of an answer. We get continual complaints from those who have answered that they have not received replies. It has cost them $1 to write to the advertizer and the least they are entitled to is an acknowledgement.

III. PERSON TO PERSON COLUMN: This is the last issue in which ads will be accepted from just anyone paying the fee. Starting with #15 only members of PHI PI EPSILON will be permitted use of the column. This has become necessary because of the placement of TVia on newstands. Persons about whom we know nothing then wish to place ads. We must have some way of knowing that advertizers are genuine, sincere, and of the right type and the screening pro- cess involved in FPE membership is the only way we know to control this. We cannot afford to risk trouble with the Post Office either personally or organizationally through the activities of any sel- fish or unthinking individuals, there is too much at stake. In this regard I again request anyone receiving mail that is out of line and questionable to let me know its source so that we will not forward any more mail to that person. As I have said before--if we do not police our own group we will find ourselves policed by others with unpleasant and perhaps disastrous results.

PRIVACY: Many envelopes are rather thin and it is not too difficult to read through them. For privacy it is desirable to

